To Print a Membership Card or Membership Certificate, follow these steps:
  1. Login to the website at
  2. On the right side of the screen click on Membership Card or Membership Certificate
  3. At the bottom of the screen with the card or certificate there is a print button on the left bottom corner -- click to print.
  4. Adjust YOUR printer to the correct setting to print the certificate or card to look like you need. YOUR print is set with your preferences and these may need to be adjusted temporarily to allow for proper printing. You may also need to adjust the scaling to fit the page. 
  5. Annual members will see the full year. Monthly members will only see a month at a time based on your payment. 
Membership Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for tax purposes but may be deductible as a business expense. However, that percentage of dues paid for lobbying (35%) is not deductible as a business expense. PAC funds are used to increase awareness of APRN issues in the state. Funds allow voluntary contributors to have a voice in the political process by helping to elect pro-APRN legislators.
Per federal income tax rules, MANP-PAC investments used for political purposes are not tax-deductible.
Reminder for those joining with monthly memberships: Payments are $ 25.00 monthly for 12 months for a total of $300 annually. Failure to pay the 12 monthly installments will be responsible for the balance of the term in full at the time of cancellation. If at any time, you need to update the payment information on file simply call the office at 601-407-3226 to provide new/updated information.
We are so happy you decided to join MANP.  We hope you will choose to become involved with this organization as we value your opinion and input very much.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]    We are constantly updating our emails and website to keep you abreast of the current issues and continuing education opportunities. Please check it regularly as it is the best way to keep up with what's happening at MANP. 

Thank you again for your participation!